Category: vCenter
Posted in vCenter
Transfer failed: IO error during transfer : Unexpected EOF read on the socket
Piotr Tarnawski 22 March 2021
That error was a bummer. I was trying to deploy Dell SRS. When I received error: Transfer failed: IO error during transfer : Unexpected…
Posted in vCenter
vCenter Server Managed Object Browser (MOB) reports a 503 Service Unavailable error
Piotr Tarnawski 21 March 2021
If you cannot access the vCenter Server Managed Object Browser (MOB) at https://vCenterFQDN/mob/ and your browser shows this error: 503 Service Unavailable but all other services…
Posted in vCenter
How to uninstall SimpliVity plug-in form vCenter
Piotr Tarnawski 19 March 2021
After successful decommission of HPE Simplivity, time came to uninstall vCenter plug-in. Here is my runlist: SSH to vCenter server If you do not see…
Posted in vCenter
How to add SimpliVity datastore to standard ESXi server
Piotr Tarnawski 19 March 2021
But why one may ask… I came across this issue once I was actually decommissioning SimpliVity cluster and I had to vMotion all Virtual Machines…