How to uninstall SimpliVity plug-in form vCenter

After successful decommission of HPE Simplivity, time came to uninstall vCenter plug-in.

Here is my runlist:

  • SSH to vCenter server
  • If you do not see bash shell type in command shell

Angry Admin –

  • Go to plug-in location, follow this commands to uninstall plug-in:
#cd /opt/Hewlett\ Packard\ Enterprise/
#ls (list plugins)
#cd HPESimpliVityPluginForVsphereWebClient-XXXX 
You will see uninstall file 
Do you want to uninstall HPE SimpliVity Plug-in... [Y/n]: Y

  • Press ENTER once prompted

The plug-in has been uninstalled. In my case the process took care of packages also, but if you running older version I would recommend to check if packages have been uninstalled or not.

The rest of the process and location for packages are shown on this video:

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