Upgrading to vCenter Server 7.0U3c now requires an additional precheck to ensure that the ESXi Hosts managed by your vCenter Server are at the correct version and will not have any issues related to driver conflicts as detailed in VMware KB86447.
- Download python script from VMware website – > here.
- Transfer the file to a folder on vCenter Server Appliance using WinSCP (e.g. /root or /tmp).
- If your WinSCP is not connecting, please read this blog post.
- SSH to your vCenter Server and go to folder you placed the script.
- Run the script:
python vSphere_upgrade_assessment.py

To tun this script may take several minutes, depending on the size of your environment, VMware estimates that for 100 ESXi hosts script will run 5 minutes.
- Review the log file once script finish to run.
- Open the
- Have a look at highlighted part of the log:

In my case, we can see that 7 hosts were scanned and the most important line here is Number of hosts with dual drivers:
If this equals “0”, then the environment is ready to proceed to the vCenter upgrade, and no remediation work is required.
Should any ESXi hosts were found to have the i40en driver conflict. These need to be addressed by following one of the two options from KB 86447.
If hosts from the “skipped” list are affected by the driver conflict, they will need to be upgraded to 7.0 U3c or above as well. Otherwise, HA configuration will fail on them after upgrading the vCenter. Alternatively, you can manually remove the conflicting i40en driver on each affected host using the instructions in VMware KB 86191.
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