Welcome, everyone! I would like to present you Free Python course! No coding experience is necessary, hence we are starting from zero! Are we going to become a hero? We will see.
Before we start, please download Python 3.7:
- Anaconda Python https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/
- Please choose Python 3.9 64-bit graphical installer for your platform (Windows, Mac or Linux)
- Python https://www.python.org/downloads/
- Please choose Python 3.9 or newer
We will need also IDE ( integrated development environment):
- PyCharm Community Edition https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download
- Visual Studio Code https://code.visualstudio.com/download
Download and unzip course materials:
- Please visit my GitHub repository and download course. New lessons will be added during this course:

- Unzip files (PythonCourseLab-main)
Prepare IDE:
- Start PyCharm and choose Open from the Welcome Screen (if a project is already open, please go to File > Close Project and close it).
- Navigate to your unzipped folder (PythonCourseLab-main).
- Don’t click into the folder, just select folder and click Open
You should see the PythonCourseLab-main folder in the left pane.
Visual Studio Code:
- Start VSC
- Click on Open Folder
- Navigate to unzipped folder
- Click OK
You should see the PythonCourseLab-main folder in the left pane.
Once you ready, visit my YouTube channel where I present the course. Enjoy!
If you will have any questions, please contact me via Twitter @AngrySysOps .
Please like and share to spread the knowledge in the community.
If you want to chat with me please use Twitter: @AngrySysOps
Visit my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/AngrySysOps
Read my blog: https://angrysysops.com
Subscribe to my channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRTcKGl0neismSRpDMK_M4A