How to encrypt an existing Virtual Machine or Virtual Disk


  • vCenter server must be configured and connected with the KMS server.  Please refer to this article: How to connect vCenter with external KMS
  • ESXi servers that will run encrypted VM’s must be allowed to communicate with KMS server over TCP.
  • Create an encryption storage policy or use the bundled sample, VM Encryption Policy.
  • Downtime is required, VM must be powered off.


  1. Shutdown VM
  2. Right click on vm and select VM Policies → Edit Storage Policy.
  1. Change storage policy to your own encryption storage policy or use the bundled sample, VM Encryption Policy and select OK.
NOTE: Depends on the storage type for example if you have slower SAS disks it may a take long time to encrypt VM. In my case using SAS to encrypt 3TB it took around 5 hours.

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