SRM appliance, appliance no networking detected.

UPDATE for SRM 8.X and 9.X!


As the useful tool /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net is no longer available in these versions, you can use the following command to change or set up the network:

bashCopy codenetmgr ip4_address --set --interface <ifname> --mode <dhcp|static|none> --addr <ipv4_address/prefix> --gateway <gateway_address>

For more details, refer to the official Photon OS documentation:
Photon CLI: netmgr

After configuring the hostname and IP address for the VM, recreate the SSL certificate at the VAMI level by visiting:

For further guidance, check the VMware documentation:
VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.6 Installation and Configuration Guide


I was deploying VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) in order to upgrade my one from Windows to Virtual Appliance. Once Virtual Machine was deployed I noticed that there is no network detected. I was confused, but maybe I made mistake during deployment and did typo or input wrong IP address, wrong subnet mask, wrong DNS, etc.

To solve the problem I logged in to the appliance via virtual console and run the tool:


I was surprise to learn that this config tool did not worked. I received error stating that:

integer expression expected
syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator or (error token is "....")

After the error config tool stopped working and did not accept any output.

I reboot appliance but occurred same results.

I saw online that people had a similar issues but different error messages like:

Network FAILED to restart using new parameters eth0 (Errno 2: )
Temporary failure in name resolution

I decided to set up network manually.

Here is runlist:

  • Get the interface names with:


  • Set the IP for the desired interface:

/opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_set_network <interface name> STATICV4 <IP Address> <NETMASK> <GATEWAY>

  • Set DNS:

/opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_set_dns -d <domain suffix> <DNS IP1> <DNS IP2>

If you want to see this procedure step-by-step, here is my video, enjoy!:

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