Security Advisory VMSA-2021-0014 (CVE-2021-21994, CVE-2021-21995)

IMPORTANT Security Advisory that was released earlier yesterday (13-07-2021)

Security Advisory


VMware ESXi updates address authentication and denial of service vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-21994CVE-2021-21995) with a maximum CVSSv3 base score of 7.0.

Known Attack Vectors

A malicious actor with network access to port 5989 on ESXi may exploit this issue to bypass SFCB authentication by sending a specially crafted request.

NOTE: SFCB is disabled by default. The service starts when you install a third-party CIM VIB, for example, when you run the esxcli software vib install -n VIBname command. For successful exploitation, SFCB service should be running. The status of the service can be checked by following the steps mentioned in KB1025757.

Workaround KB (to address advisory)

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