Category: PowerShell
How to upgrade PowerCLI in PowerShell
I am preparing an article on how to automate virtual disks encryption in vSphere, when I come across an issue with PowerCLI, where I needed…
PowerCLI: Enable/Disable SSH and Lockdown Mode
Today I will show you quick and easy way to enable and disable SSH and Lockdown mode for all hosts in the cluster. Let’s start…
PowerShell workshop with Angry Admin – how to power off and power on all VMs at host in one line code
Today I will show you how to power off and power on all VMs at host in one line code. Please join me in this…
PowerShell workshop with Angry Admin – Security guide for ESXi
Today I will show you how to apply VMware security recommendation to ESXi hosts using PowerShell. The script is smart way check the hosts compliance…
Set-VMHostSysLogServer – Configure syslog on VMware ESXi hosts
Connect to vCenter server: Set up variable for all hosts: Set up syslog: Check if settings have been applied: If you need explanation or you…
Get-VM – Retreving a list of VMs in your envirnoment
First thing to remember is to connect to the VCAS. Meet the GET-VM command! Syntax: If you want to retrieve VMs connected to specific Virtual…
PowerShell – Disable SLP on ESXi firewall – VMSA-2019-0022 (CVE-2019-5544), VMSA-2020-0023 (CVE-2020-3992) and VMSA-2021-0002 (CVE-2021-21974).
OpenSLP vulnerabilities have been disclosed that affect ESXi. The possibility of exploitation can be removed by performing the steps detailed in this article I will…