If you are looking for free exam vouchers from VMware, this is a place where I show you how to grab one, or a few of them. First of all sign up for the VMware Rewards program. What is the VMware Rewards program you may ask?

Complete challenges and earn points to redeem against a selection of exciting and meaningful incentives. All points are fully transferable, meaning that challenges completed for each community all feed into a common goal.
VMware released a new set of rewards in the program, and they have long waited for exam vouchers! This is brilliant news! Taking for the VMware Rewards program:
Grow your knowledge and prove your skills, all to help grow your career. VMware Certifications validate the critical skills required to integrate and manage the technology that drives our customers desired business outcomes. Certifications are organized into multiple technology areas with levels for those new to the industry as well as experts in the field.
So, check out the THREE new exam certification rewards in the rewards catalog, under the Training and Knowledge section!
- VMware Certified Technical Associate (VCTA)
- Exam voucher value of $125 value is redeemable for 8,000 points
- VMware Certified Professional (VCP)
- Exam voucher value of $250 is redeemable for 10,000 points
- VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP)
- Exam Voucher value of $450 is redeemable for 15,000 points
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