Do you have an idea of how to make a vSphere better? Submit your ideas here to make vSphere better!

What would you like to see in the next release of vSphere? Do you have an idea of how to make the product better? Are you lacking some features? Maybe you would like to see an assistant like the old Microsoft Word paperclip? Now you can submit your concept to VMware!

Head on to and add your idea. Make a good description, and select categories and tags. Let people discover and vote for the concept.

I was going to add one regarding the ability to connect vCenter Single Sign-On with other Identity Providers, particularly with Okta. However, I saw that someone already proposed that, so I just upvoted it, and I am asking you to help me and vote for that feature also:

Another one is Use FQDN in kube config. When using kubectl vSphere login cmd, the kube/config refers to Tanzu guest clusters via IP addresses, while ideally, it should use FQDN.

And what idea do you have? Care to share?

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