Today I will show you how to perform clean installation and configuration of Site Recovery Manager 8.4. The process of this is pretty straight forward.
- Download ISO from VMware website.
- Login to vCenter.
- Deploy OVF from local.
- There are 5 files inside
folder. You need to include all 5 of them.

- Chose location for SRM VM.
- Chose compute resources.
- Review details.
- License agreement – read first!
- Chose your configuration
2 vCPU or 4 vCPU

- Select storage.
- Select networks.
- Customize your deployment:
- Input initial root password.
- Input initial admin user password.
NOTE: Direct root access is not allowed and you will need to use admin account to login to VAMI and SSH
- Input NTP server IP or hostname.
- Input hostname for your SRM VM.
- Input initial database password.
- Input networks settings.

- Verify your inputs on Ready to complete page and click FINISH.
On this stage deployment start and you can observe it in the Recent Tasks window in vCenter.

- Power on SRM VM
NOTE: You need to deploy SRM on both sites. Also you need to configure SRM on both sites
- Login to VAMI using
account , VAMI is accessible from port 5480

- Start to configure SRM by clicking on CONFIGURE APPLIANCE

- Input PSC host name
- Input PSC port – default is 443
NOTE: Windows based SRM used port 9086
- Inupt Username –
- Input Password
- Chose vCenter server
- Configure extension:
- Site name – put something meaningful
- Administrator Email
- Local host – this should be you SRM server
- Extension ID: Default or Custom
NOTE: If you chose custom extension you will need to fill out Organization and Description fields

- Verify your inputs on Ready to complete page and click FINISH
Configuration will start

Once it is finished you should see similar page to this one:

To access SRM from VAMI you can click on Hostname
Here is a set-by-step video:
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