VAMI update failed due to /storage/log partition full

Once I tried to update vCenter 6.5 to remediate Security Advisory VMSA-2021-0010 I spotted that health status shows Warning and the cause for it was /storage/log partition was showing that is low on space.

In older version like vCenter 6.0 there was an issue with SSO log files were not compressed, but this issuse should be resolved with VMware vCenter Server 6.0 Update 3 and  6.5 Update 1.

However once I run update, I saw this message:

I decide to check space df -H and /storage/log was 100% full.

Running du -sh * | sort -nr showed indead that offender was located in /storage/log/vmware/sso folder

However solution from VMware KB 2143565 was not applicable to my environment as I could not find file at /usr/lib/vmware-sso/vmware-sts/webapps/sts/WEB-INF/classes

The space issue appeared for the first time on this particular vCenter, hence I was not going to spend a tone of time investigating.

I check the logs and I deleted the oldest logs and my space went down from 100% to 72% which allowed me for an update.

NOTE: those are example file save to delete, however you as admin need to determinate what is allowed to remove or not.:

rm localhost_access_log*
rm vmware-identity-sts*
rm vmware-identity-sts-perf*

If you need explanation or you do have any questions related to this issue, please do not hesitate to leave the comment.

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