Search Results for: powershell

Posted in PowerShell

Crear y asignar un atributo personalizado para máquinas virtuales en vCenter usando PowerShell

Introducción: Administrar un gran número de máquinas virtuales en vCenter puede ser un desafío, especialmente cuando se necesita realizar un seguimiento de información específica para…

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Posted in PowerShell

Create and Assign a Custom Attribute for Virtual Machines in vCenter Using PowerShell

Introduction: Managing a large number of virtual machines in vCenter can be challenging, especially when you need to keep track of specific information for each…

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Posted in PowerShell

Exploring PowerShell: Understanding a Script to Move VMware Virtual Machines to a specific folder.

PowerShell is a powerful automation tool used to manage and automate Windows-based systems. With its rich set of commands, it can help administrators perform various…

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Posted in PowerShell

PowerShell to bulk remove VIBs from multiple ESXi hosts (putting hosts in MM mode beforehand)

During my last upgrade from vSphere 6.7 to vSphere 7.0 on one of my clusters, I come across the issue with VIBs. Of course, the…

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Posted in PowerShell

PowerCLI and PowerShell cheat sheet

Here are commands, every vSphere admin should know: List of available interfaces and physical network cards (vmkernel + vmnic): Adding another interface (vmkernel to vMotion)…

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Posted in PowerShell

PowerShell to ensure TLS1.2 is enabled

Today I will show you how to ensure that TLS1.2 is enabled. I will write a short script to perform a check and remediate if…

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Posted in PowerShell

PowerShell – WARNING: Unable to resolve package source ‘’.

I was going to update the PowerCLI module to version 12.5 once I received the above error. The first thing I was going to try…

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Posted in PowerShell

How to install PowerCLI module in PowerShell

In this short video I will show you how to install VMware PowerCli module into PowerShell. Please like and share to spread the knowledge in…

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Posted in PowerShell

How to upgrade PowerCLI in PowerShell

I am preparing an article on how to automate virtual disks encryption in vSphere, when I come across an issue with PowerCLI, where I needed…

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Posted in vCenter

PowerShell to Upgrade the Virtual Distributed Switch (VDS)

After upgrading vSphere to version 7 there is one more component needs to be upgraded. VMware Virtual Distributed Switch (VDS). NOTE: Prior VDS upgrade all…

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